What? When? Where? Why?
Hold on. I'm getting there. See, the Monarch and the Mrs. have been a little preoccupied lately working on their newest adventure, the Monarch and the Mrs. Nursery. Sadly, the Kitchen has been a little neglected of late. As has the blog. Mea culpa.
But, dear Readers, since initial aversions have high-tailed it out of here, and the night table is once again supporting the hefty weight of a teetering pile of cooking magazines, the Mrs. is getting ready to make a faithful and regular comeback (please read: once a week....for now). Well, at least until the little Minion arrives. Then all posts will be surreptitiously, well, posted at what she expects will be the oddest of hours and times.
So, for those of you who have held out the faintest of hopes that sweet visions would once again grace this blog - thank you.
The Monarch and the Mrs will see you back here very soon. (As soon as we stop licking the spoons, and gazing fixedly at the brownies cooling on the counter...)
In the meantime, anyone have any good suggestions for a stroller?